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About this site

This site is super simple because a) I built it myself from scratch, and b) that’s really all it needs to be. HTML, CSS, and a tiny bit of Javascript.

It is meant to be a portrait of myself, both personally and professionally — in that order. My own little slice of the internet as I explore degrowth, separating my self-image from my work, and capturing a bit of the magic of my earliest days online.

That nerdy shit

I kinda sorta designed it in Sketch, but spent most of my time in Nova.

It’s hosted by Namecheap, and the typeface is Tofino by Alanna Munro.

I don’t use any trackers or analytics.

I continually work to make sure this site is accessible to everyone. If you catch something that needs improvement or isn’t working for you, please feel free to let me know.